Home Life

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spring Cleaning: When you don't feel like it

The weather has changed and spring has finally sprung! Hooray!  Along with the rain, pollen and flower blossoms, I can't seem to ignore the spring cleaning task. I know what lies ahead; sorting clothes, donation bins, and mass organizing. (*long sigh* I need a clone)   Oddly I have accomplished (yep Its April and I am close to finishing) one item on that list - Organization!

I usually tackle my large organizing task first but this year I chose to start with the "smaller" task; Our coat closet and the medicine cabinet. Our medicine cabinet was a mess and very cluttered.  Plus, usually when we have look for a particular medicine we find it empty or expired. Don't you hate that? Not to forget the front coat closet.   I know I'm not the only one that uses a coat closet to store everything but coats :). In our coat closet was board games, an inflatable chair, basket balls, a DVD player, Jeans ( they were mine lol) and some other items that I hadn't seen in a couple of years. A deep cleaning was definitely necessary and I needed to do something quick because Spring is the season of light jackets, hats and umbrellas. So like any lazy OCD mommy I made a plan and took a short trip to my nearby Dollar Tree . There I found a white coated rack with five hooks on it, a set of four baskets and some labels.

I started with the coat closet. I am too embarrassed to show you my "before " picture. Trust me, it was bad. But here's my "after picture. As you can see I placed two racks on the door; one at the top for umbrellas and one at the bottom so the kiddies can hang their jackets. This closet cleaning took me only 10 minutes.

Next I tackled the medicine closet (I was on an organizing high lol). Please do not ask me why an ice tray is in my medicine cabinet before pic *smh* 

All in all, cleaning those missed spots made me feel very accomplished.  I hope this inspires you to clean and organized the cluttered areas in your home. The next small projects for me to do are the junk drawer in the kitchen, pots and pans cabinets, and the food pantry. 

Dollar tree finds:
 (2) sets of four baskets 
(2) white coated rack with hooks
$4.00 + tax

L.A. Bonds

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have the hooks but my door slides open.


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