Monday, July 12, 2010

Smart Women, Silly Choices: What did you say?

I wanted to share this with you because I feel this is needed. From the experiences I have encountered this past week,the topic of this messege arose just by listening to words people say. You know lots of times we say things that we truly mean or unconsciously don’t mean. For instance, when a pastor begins his sermon and he instructs the congregation to turn to Luke 2 and he says “When you have it say Amen” and everybody (including you, een though you don’t) says Amen. Now, you know you have not got the scripture before you. So just in that instance you lied. Why do we do this? Why don’t we choose our words carefully? Another example led me to this topic. I remembered singing this song around my mother by some artist I can’t at the moment remember. But in the lyrics of the song it said “I can’t sleep baby, I can’t eat baby, I can’t live baby, without you in my life! Don’t wanna go on baby, This is my song baby” . Now when my mom heard this she quickly said “ He need to go to the hospital!” .Though funny, not cute. I was not sick. Why was I talking like I was. The point I am trying to make here is, what are you saying over your life? Are you speaking life or death? For the Bible tells us “Its is the Spirit Who gives life [He is the Life Giver];the flesh conveys no benefit whatever[there is no profit in it]. The words[truths] that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life”(John 6:63). And if we believe in the Word we therefore shall be doers of It. How many times have you saw or heard something and immediately thought and SPOKE something negative over the situation? I know I have. Right before walking into interviews with huge corporations I would say “They probably won’t hire me” or “ They’re going to think I’m too young”. While all the time I could have been speaking life into my situation. Asking God to Bless me with favor or thanking Him for the position. I learned that we need to speak life into our life, not death. When I RECEIVED this revelation and research, I literally had to ask God for his mercy and repent. Why? Because not realizing the power of the tongue can not bring true repentance. Now I do admit I am now constantly choosing my words carefully because I am accountable for them (Matthew 12:37).But being that I repented means that I no longer want to go that route again and that I truly need help in that area. Which is the reason why I had to Thank God, ask for mercy and repent. For I want true repentance. Now this too, can be viewed in your relationship with others and what you speak on them.

You see, because not only can you speak life into yourself but you can speak life into others.“A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Prov.25:11). We can bless people by the words of our mouth. We can literally speak life into them. The power of life and death is in the tongue (Prov. 18:21). We can choose to speak life. We actually can hold people back or urge them forward just by our words. Which made me think a lot about children. When a person has a child it is that parents responsibility to be careful about what they say. Why? The words of a parent can heal or wound. I child looks up to their parent lots of times for approval. It is not wise to refer to the child as stupid, failure, hopeless or “like their good for nothing parent”.While researching this I realized what true exhortation was (1 Thess 5:11). This indeed is a much needed ministry. Because people are giving up on their selves and their walk with Christ and need encouragement in Him to keep going. And we have to do that because we are doers of the Word. We cant just sit around and degrade and abuse our friends and loved ones and expect them to love the God we serve! Uh Huh! Like Joyce Meyers said “Is your mouth saved?!”We need to really start talking like children of God. I know I do and WILL (See its never to late to start).

So today examine your mouth. “…. Work out your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling” (Philipi. 2:12). Speak life (The Word) into your life while speaking the Truth (ex.” I may not look well today, but joy comes in the morning” or “I am Blessed and highly favored”).Show others by your words that you serve a God that spoke light and it came and how you first confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.As well as how you will daily speak life (The Word of God) to them so God will get the glory. By your mouth today let it be declared that you are saved and acceptable in Gods sight (Psalms 19:14). I challenge you to pray continually to “Set a guard, O Lord, Before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips” (Psalms 141:3). That way the Holy Spirit can convict you when you are saying things you shouldn’t or any kind of evil speaking. So in closing, the next time someone (or yourself) talks negatively about you or your situation or others, that you questions yourself (or them) and say………..What did you say?


Anonymous said...

I think we have all been guilty of speaking a negative word about something or someone. I know I have. You speak such truth when you say words are powerful and can build up or tear down. As the saying goes..."if you can't say something nice about someone don't say anything". I have been the victim of verbal abuse and it can really take everything from you. I too ask God for grace and mercy and to help me speak encouragement to others. I try to do this everyday although there are days and situations where I don't think and the wrong words come out. Thank the Lord that He is still there for me and forgives me! Keep the inspiration coming!

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21

Chic Boutique Tour said...

Loves it!